A call to life....

Things happen...

Oppurtunity knocks....



But not always...

Destiny abides....

But let me just say this one piece of advice....

And that's to live your life...

To the fullest...

For more...

Not less...
Life, my friend, is not a journey...not an adventure...not a game...never a gamble...life gives us choices...some can be repeated...some are permanent...life offers oppurtunity such as career...friends...experience...and love...all life has its purpose...and that's to live according to the choices that we make...perfecture is never a choice given by life...because all of us does mistakes...for it makes life worth living, dont you think? Imagine a world of perfecture...no mistakes...always in glory...always successful...but it doesn't make sense isn't it...I'd rather suffer than to be perfect...because perfecture doesn't bring happiness...it brings boredom...thus loses the purpose of living...have you wondered why God created man? He's perfect, yes, and that's the reason why he created us...being perfect is to be alone...do I make sense? Just tell me ok, in my tag board..hehe...anyway...what I'm saying is mistakes takes us to happiness...it teaches us that the answer to everything is making a mistake...everyone makes mistakes...because they want to be happy...they follow what they want...they follow their heart...and that's the advice I'm talking about..."follow your heart"...simple...but true....

"The night fell at10:48 PM"

"no matter how bright the morning can be..it would still fall in the shades of the night.."

The wind is whispering..


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